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Outline of the earthquake in Rokko mountain range

Outline of the earthquake

The earthquake took place 5:46 AM, January 17th 1995.The magnitude of the earthquake was 7.2 on the Richer scale.It originated from the northern part of Awaji island. (north latitude 34.6 degree,east longitude 135 degree,depth 14km) More than 3 million and 500 thousand people lived in the area beneath which the earthquake occurred and there were also intensive economic activities there.The cause of the earthquake was thought to be strikeslip of the fault.
The strength of the earthquake on the Japanese scale 7 along the Japan Railway line in Kobe and Ashiya. and part of northern Awaji island.This earthquake was felt in most of Japan from the southern part of north east Japan to Kyushu island.Aftershocks continually occurred until around September of that year.

Distribution of the strength of the earthquake

According to Kobe Meteorological station the tremor was recorded in Tokyo,Hokuriku,kyushu,and the strength of the earthquake on the Japanese scale was 6 in Kobe and Sumoto.(7 in some areas of Kobe,Northern Awaji and their vicinity)
The maximum acceleration of the tremor at Kobe Meteorological station was 818 gal in north-south direction,617 gal in east-west direction and 332 gal vertically.

Characteristics of the damage caused by the earthquake in Rokko mountain range

1)Damage concentrated along active faults.
(2)Many landslides took place on mountain slopes of which surface consisted of weathered granite.Landslides concentrated on the slopes just below the ridges and in many cases rockfalls accompanied the landslides.
(3)In some places large scale cracks were generated on the ridges.
(4)No incidence of debrisflows were reported unlike damage caused by torrential rain,instead unstable debris from the upper slopes covered the lower slopes and the stream beds.
(5)Urgent secondary damage preventing measures were necessary because densely inhabited urban areas are situated just below the devastated mountain range.

Outline of the damage

(1)Fatality 6,279. Injured 34,900
(2)Totally destroyed houses 99,996(188,068 family).
Partly destroyed houses 100,166(227,591 family)
(3)Estimated total economical loss 9 trillion 932 million yen.
of which building about 5,800 billion yen,port facilities about 1 trillion yen.
(4)Damage in Rokko mountain range.
  total area number of landslide area of landslide
Southern slopes 5,723.1ha 518 sites 37.45ha
Northern slopes 6,300.0ha 53 sites 6.73ha
total 12,023.1ha 571 sites 44.18ha






部署名:神戸県民センター 六甲治山事務所


